What does member Rank mean? - how is it calculated?

Published on by in Tech

What does member Rank mean? - how is it calculated?

Rank is a ​combination of "​Industry ​Experience" (​maximum 5) and "​Community Tally"​ (maximum 5) ​for a total ​maximum of 10. ​

It is a quick ​way to identify ​very experienced ​professionals ​and those who ​are contributing ​the most to knowledge ​sharing. ​

Community Tally  is a ​calculation of ​the relative "​value" of ​members ​activity. Every ​contribution ​has points ​assigned (​answer to a ​question, ​posting an ​article, blog, ​product, water ​wall post...​ Extra ​points are ​assigned for ​content that is ​liked by ​members. Total ​points are time ​based and ​compared to the ​member with the ​highest Tally ​so that each ​members total ​community Tally ​is relative to ​the "most ​valuable" ​contributor. ​

Industry Experience  is a ​combination of ​degrees, years ​of work ​experience, and ​present level ​in an ​organization. ​

The final ​Rank is ​the sum of ​Industry ​Experience and ​Community Tally.​ It is ​displayed on ​each members ​profile. ​

