Tallium 1.33.0

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Dear User,


In this release, we are introducing several smaller, but important improvements and bug fixes. The following is the list of the changes.



  1. Attached files can be removed only from the edit mode: Previously content author and the platform admins were able to remove attached files from the content without needing to enter edit mode causing confusion and not consistent with permissions.

  2. Error handling in profile edit mode: If there is the error in the profile, the platform will automatically switch to that tab, making error detection simple.

  3. Improved image preview: Images now can be viewed in lightbox mode. Huge whitespace is taken away, added previous and next image navigation, and a sidebar with the image information. Previously there was just a huge blank area with a centered image, without any info.

  4. Removed Next button on the last tab when editing profile: Next button is removed from the last tab in edit mode on the profile.

Bug fixes

  1. The content was not opening in the same tab/window: Fixed annoying bug when the user clicks on the content, the platform was returning error 404 not found. Reloading the page or opening the content in the new tab was a workaround.

  2. Fixed issue with data ordering on list pages: Changing direction order on the list pages was not working for default order by date.

  3. Collection title verification: Collection title length is increased to a minimum of 3 characters. Previously entering only one or two characters, or leaving the empty title,  was throwing system error.



  1. Automatic dates in the daily updates: Daily digest email with all updates from the platform now have the date in the subject of the mail. This way it’s more obvious for what day are the updates.

  2. Added column with assigned user roles: Managers now can see assigned user roles on the members' list page.