Tallium Release 1.5

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Tallium Release 1.5

New Features

#4590 - Managers now have the ability to delete companies.

#4608 - Enhanced functionality for using images when creating content., sync of image URLs to My Files.

#4579 - Embedding the wysiwyg options.

#4740 #4674 #4673 #4675 #4676 - New Member Management:



#4582 - Ability for members to add company (experience) to their profiles.

It's a whole new way of adding companies to your profile now you can choose to create a company in the list, or to just have it listed on your profile without actually creating a full company.


#4644 - Improved list pages layout

#4720 - Managers are now able to add additional content types on Mosaic

#4492 - Mosaic works much faster now

#4570 - Suggested links option is removed from the Moderation tab in Manager panel
